The Arie Ringelstein
Cancer Research Program

Family and friends share their memories

From him I learned a lot about life. I learned to enjoy it with the people you love to the fullest, without regrets. Saba Arie played with me all the time, took me to the movies and even picked me up from school when we had a 30 cm snowstorm. He was truly a great man and always gave us something to be happy about and to laugh about. He was such a magnificent grandfather that I even wrote a song with my older cousin Itay about his rules we named it "The Rules of Saba Arie". These rules are the principles that Saba lived by and I grew up with. What I learned is that no matter what rules or principles you have in your life, it is important that you live by those principles.

He gave us all his love without asking anything in return. I loved him very much and will continue to love him and adore him for the rest of my life. That's why I decided that when I grow up and I will have kids of my own I will honor his love that he has given to us by naming my son after him, Arie. Remember him for the love he brought to us and the happy and funny memories he shared with us. Let's honor him as a magnificent and peaceful husband, father, grandfather and a friend.


Dear family and friends,

It has been more than a month since my beloved husband, partner, friend, father, grandfather and brother has passed on.

No words can begin to describe the loss suffering and pain we all feel in our hearts on a daily basis.

Since Arie was always positive and saw the half-full cup, I can say that the half-full cup is loaded with endless words to describe the joy, happiness, laughter and the difference he made in our family's life, as well as how he touched other people's life during his lifetime.


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The Arie Ringelstein Cancer Research Program
is a vital part of ICAN's Cancer Patient Advocacy and Clinical Trials Program Advocacy Services.

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