The Carol and Michael Hearons Family Advocacy Program

Carol and Mike's Place

Chapter Forty-Two

May 14, 2024

Dear Readers,

Where have I been since last August?

Well, I've been doing my live-in caregiver thing, growing old, spoiling my kid sister, Robin (and her mutt) rotten, and chugging right along.

I think I can make a pretty decent case for looking after someone, now that I am ancient enough to need looking-after, myself! (Yes, I'm physically sound, but definitely having more than my share of senior moments!)

(My earlier confession in this blog about paying for gasoline and then driving off without pumping it was only the tip of the iceberg!)

There is a definite feel-good built into this (seemingly) endless gig, here in small-town Appleton, WI. I was never this nice in my former life! But here I am now, not only tending to the needs of my 83-year-old sibling, but also playing mind games with her rescue dog, Brooke, who was picked up as a stray in 2012 (in northwest Kentucky) by the Wisconsin chapter of Saving Paws.

Long story short, if you're looking for a way to redeem yourself for having pursued an earlier life of complete self-gratification, this gig is it!

I have never felt so humble. Or so grateful for all the breaks I got, from birth forward. Stupendous parents, to whom I owe an abject apology for having been such a handful. Wonderful siblings, who always forgave me for being my father's first-born son. And an easy life, during which I have not suffered one broken bone or serious illness.

I am, clearly, not the brightest bulb in the pack. Just amazingly lucky. All the dumb things I did as a kid (many of which could have gotten me killed) are now just stories I can tell about myself in future chapters of this blog.

Yes, I will keep on blogging—and hoping that more people with time on their hands consider being a caregiver. I have found the role to be unbelievably redeeming!

—Michael E. Hearons

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