The Douglas Fugate
Research Advocacy Program

Friends and Family Share Their Memories and Tributes

White Pocket Waves

A Tribute to Doug Fugate

As Doug’s uncle, I’ve known Doug since his birth. His positive attitude was evident at an early age. He was always very polite and cheerful.

One of my earliest memories of Doug was on a camping trip. We had a station wagon and Doug was making sandwiches as we were driving. It turned out that Doug loved mustard and each sandwich had a very thick layer. We all laughed about it. Doug was always so positive.

When he told us that he had cancer he was certain that he would beat it. Doug was a willing participant in new advances in cancer treatment. He was always looking for new therapies to help himself and others.

Doug will be missed very much as he was such a positive force.


Doug was someone, who upon meeting him, one knew that he was genuine. He had a big welcoming warm smile and a joyfulness about him, just like his mom (our cousin, Rita).

When I learned about Doug's illness, I reached out, just as so many others did. His optimism and attitude were amazing. Last year, around Passover, he messaged me, "I plan to celebrate for many (many) more years." He retained that same optimism when I saw him last May. We all began to believe that he would beat this insidious disease. Sadly, the outcome we all hoped for wasn't meant to be.

I will remember Doug for his warmth, his smile, his optimism and kindness. May his memory be a blessing.

Suzanne Monashkin

Doug was one of the kindest people I've known, and he was the kind of "kind" that didn't make people feel guilty or less than him. I never felt judged by Doug.

We served as deacons together at University Baptist Church and when the church was selling new engraved bricks for the Walk of Saints, Doug and another deacon surprised me with my own brick. I might never have known Doug was one of the people who bought it for me. He tried to do it anonymously. I didn't have money for something like that but I really wanted one. He wasn't the kind of person to try to take credit for his good deeds.

I'm not surprised Doug was giving back even when he was battling stage IV pancreatic cancer by accepting experimental treatments that would benefit others in their fight against cancer. He was a good and thoughtful person.

Guy Paul Swenson

To submit your own tribute or memory about Douglas here, please email us at and we will post it within 24 hours. Please include your phone number.

The Douglas Fugate Research Advocacy Program
is a vital part of ICAN's Cancer Patient Advocacy and Clinical Trials Program Advocacy Services.

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