The Gean Marchant Howard
Patient Advocacy Program
Literature, news and videos pertinent to
The Gean Marchant Howard Patient Advocacy Program
The Operating Room of the Future – Video regarding the pathbreaking work of InSightec
based in Tirat Carmel, Israel,
Chemo-Sensitivity Testing for Lung Cancer: Dr. Robert Nagourney & Ryan Kuper
While this video tells the fascinating story of a non small cell lung cancer patient, it applies with equal force to patients with any solid tumor. It underscores the complexity of cancer and how even the best laboratory data can fall short of what is needed for truly proactive cancer case management. Analysis of specialty laboratory findings needs to be coupled with therapeutic experience and creative insights drawn from a multiplicity of sources, along with the skills of a detective, to come up with the best treatment plan for a particular cancer patient. Robert A. Nagourney, MD is a brilliant medical oncologist whose pioneering work is captured in Outliving Cancer: The Better, Smarter Way to Treat Your Cancer, available on Amazon here. This book should be required reading of all cancer patients. We are proud of the fact that Dr. Nagourney recommended ICAN’s cancer patient advocacy services and singled them out among cancer organizations.
- Check Out Colon Cancer News Developments
- A Phase I/II Study of XELIRI Plus Bevacizumab as Second-Line Chemotherapy for Japanese Patients With Metastatic Colorectal Cancer (BIX Study)
- U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Opportunities for Public Comment
- Tiny capsule effectively kills cancer cells
- Coffee Consumption and Colon Cancer
- Life-Saving DNA Test Overlooked in Rise of Colon Cancer
The Gean Marchant Howard Patient Advocacy Program
is a vital part of ICAN's Cancer Patient Advocacy and Clinical Trials Program Advocacy Services.
For more information about this special program, please click on...
We are always looking for updated RSS newsfeeds for the The Gean Marchant Howard Patient Advocacy Program at ICAN. If you have suggestions, please email us at
Please encourage family and friends to join our Cancer Research Literature teams for this Program by emailing ICAN at We would like additional Research Team Leaders at ICAN for this named program to be medical students, physicians, nurses, or post-doctoral students in the sciences.
Web Research Interns for the The Gean Marchant Howard Patient Advocacy Program are comprised of highly motivated high school students, college students, college graduates, medical students, or employed or retired persons who have the time to help a great cause.
Please submit two paragraphs about your background and career (and career aspirations) and why you would like to be part of an ICAN Research team. All positions are "virtual" meaning you work from your home or office computer and email your work in Word (and in some cases Excel, but you need not be fluent in Excel to join us).
Because ICAN has a global volunteer network, all positions are unpaid. ICAN is five-star rated on VolunteerMatch.
If you have peer-reviewed citations to SUBMIT to this part of Gean's Program, please email to CitationReviewGeanMarchant
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