The M. Kathleen McClellan
Gynecologic Cancer Clinical Trials Program
Friends and Family Share Their Memories
January 2021
Kathleen was a lovely woman; who departed us far too soon. She was full of life and love; silenced by a cancer that overcame her valiant fight.
Kathleen’s greatest legacy is her son , Robert. A man who embraces her wit, kindness, and faith.
Her smile, and love of life, is never forgotten.
—Barbara Meyers
December 12, 2020
Kathleen was a Special Lady and a single mother. She raised her son Robert to be caring, thoughtful, and grateful. Kathleen was a beauty salon owner, a real people person, and also a cane weaver of chairs as she reweaved chairs for me. This talent is a dying art. Kathleen's heart was trimmed with gold as she was there for anyone who needed her help.
_Cheryl J. Hintzen-Gaines
Chair, Honorary Trustees of ICAN
To submit your own tribute about Kathleen here, please email us at and we will post it within 24 hours. Please include your phone number.
The M. Kathleen McClellan Gynecologic Cancer Clinical Trials Program
is a vital part of ICAN's Cancer Patient Advocacy and Clinical Trials Program Advocacy Services.