The Rare Pediatric Tumors Program

Birds of Paradise


The Rare Pediatric Tumors Program
is a vital part of ICAN's Cancer Patient Advocacy and Clinical Trials Advocacy Programs.

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About ICAN


ICAN's mission is to assist and empower late-stage patients worldwide with cutting-edge information regarding anticancer drugs in clinical trials as well as physician referrals at the patient’s request based on the patient’s reported medical situation. ICAN takes the position that there are key decision points in the battle for life and with the best available information, the cancer patient will be well-armed for the road ahead.

What people are saying:

"Because of ICAN, I have an ongoing lifeline of information support plus the moral support of this incredible organization, and I now have a real passion to talk to other late-stage cancer patients … to emphasize the importance of patient empowerment and clinical trials."

"Once again, it was so helpful to talk to someone that understands and could help us navigate our choices. Especially when the choices could have life or death consequences. I will keep you updated and once again,
thank you."

"ICAN was the calm in the midst of our storm. Without their analytical abilities, their network of contacts and above all, their time and compassion, I don't know what we would have done. I'll be forever grateful."

"You were a Godsend at a very scary time in his, and our, lives. Male breast cancer is very rare, and without your help and guidance we wouldn't have had a clue where to turn. I am happy to say that my dad did NOT die of cancer... Thanks again!"

"By keeping in touch with us and intuitively providing us with the information we need to know, ICAN is truly the best "coach" imaginable... As a result, we have been able to express our questions to our oncology team in a compelling manner. Cheers to ICAN - here's to life, to hope, and to vitality!"

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